Small business web design tips

Learn about website design and working with a designer in simple terms, Squarespace website tips and my thoughts about running a small business.


Page naming for SEO in Squarespace
squarespace Kirsty Montgomery squarespace Kirsty Montgomery

Page naming for SEO in Squarespace

Have you ever noticed your page is named 'About 3' or 'Blog 1' in your browser, but can't figure out how to change it? This is coming from your Page Settings SEO section. Here you can rename your page and while you're at it, add in a keyword friendly SEO description.

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Interior Designer Website Case Study
case study, squarespace Kirsty Montgomery case study, squarespace Kirsty Montgomery

Interior Designer Website Case Study

My client Brooke first reached out through my enquiry form after finding me on Kerstin Martin’s Squarespace Designer list. Brooke owns an interior design studio called Brooke Copp-Barton Interiors and was in the process of upgrading and refining her business branding. The goal was to appeal to a higher-end market and to showcase more of her recent work.

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