The Wild Wordsmith


Custom Squarespace Website plus eCommerce - The Works + Shop


The Wild Wordsmith - Copywriting and Creative Writing Coach


Amber was changing her service offerings and was looking for a website that would reflect this change and also support her growing and evolving future services.

How we did it

As part of the build, we created individual service pages, a member area and an online shop to give lots of flexibility in the future. By having everything under the single 'Squarespace' roof we made sure the process of managing these different aspects of Amber’s business will be as simple as possible.

I'm really pleased with the final result and was delighted that Amber was also very happy.

[The website] will enable me to present myself in the way I have wanted to for a very long time. I am hoping it will also help me bring in more business and expand my brand.

You have taken my scattered thoughts and turned them into something truly special.
— Amber, The Wild Wordsmith

Custom Member Area & Postcast Page


Camus Consulting

